Sun Link Sea Oolong Tea, Spring 2024
Sun Link Sea Oolong Tea, Spring 2024
Sun Link Sea Oolong Tea, Spring 2024
Sun Link Sea Oolong Tea, Spring 2024
Sun Link Sea Oolong Tea, Spring 2024
Sun Link Sea Oolong Tea, Spring 2024

Sun Link Sea Oolong Tea, Spring 2024

This tea is produced at LonxFengXia of SunLinkSea (Also spelled ShanLinXi), located in ZhuShan township of Nantou County.  LongFengXia’s elevation is 1,800 meters at its highest point; the winding mountain roads leading up to this tea region are cloudy and misty all year around.  We would describe it as breath-taking and fairytale-like.  A beautiful and pristine landscape worth preserving at any cost.

Sun Link Sea tea this year Spring is vibrant and green with strong floral notes dominate the palate. Gardenia, a hint of tropical flowers like hibiscus can be detected in the middle note and taper. The Spring harvest is intensely flavorful and aromatic, without sacrificing mouth feel or sweetness. We would describe this tea as elegant.  It is simple, deep and clean.

Steeping Instructions:

Prepare 4 grams of tea leaf ( One full teaspoon) per 100ml of water(about half a cup).

For the first two steeps, 90°c water for no longer than 60 seconds will provide plenty of flavor.  From the third steep onward it is fine to add up to thirty additional seconds per steep. This should provide between four and six re-steeps depending on the quality of the tea.  For larger vessels (teapots of over 500ml) re-steep potential is usually lower.

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